Carol Talley Artist Reception & Exhibit
Carol Talley Artist Reception
"Luminous Landscapes"
Friday, March 24, 4-6pm
Flying Goat Cellars Tasting Room & Art Salon
1520 E. Chestnut Court, Lompoc
Carol is currently exploring abstracted landscapes to evoke the sense of both the familiar and mysterious. Working from a background of a more realistic interpretation of place, she's expanding into emphasizing color, texture and atmosphere to access the depth of emotional response to location. Her greatest joy is to connect with the viewer by creating paintings that express the ineffable and transcendent. Featured painting: "Radiant", pastel, 9"x12".
Carol remarks, "I explore the landscape by in-person direct observation, and by recollection of the place. I utilize these approaches as a jumping off point to create a painting that incorporates the unique feeling of a location. My aim is to capture the essential form, color and gesture of place, and then distill these elements into a compelling representation, leaving the unnecessary behind and revealing the vital core of a scene. Sometimes the location can be recognized, at other times, the reference has been morphed into a dreamlike image."
Her art-making journey started young; drawing on the walls of her house with a crayon, imitating Harold and his purple crayon, and getting scolded for it. Undaunted, she continued exploring mark making while growing up, finding her deepest connection to the world through art.
Besides studying art at UC Santa Cruz, she has worked with Albert Handell, Kim Lordier, Terri Ford and Debora Stewart. Collectors of her paintings include Casa Barranca Retreat Center, Ojai, CA, The Tynan Group, Santa Barbara, CA and actor John Cleese.
Check out her website here.
University of California Santa Barbara Glassbox Gallery Day Time Moon 2020, Staff Exhibition
Studios on the Park, Paso Robles, CA California Impressionists: The Masters and the Greats They Inspire, Invitational Exhibition
Abstract Art Collective juried exhibition Working Titles, Faulkner Gallery Santa Barbara, CA
Best of Show, Santa Barbara Art Association Exhibit
Juror’s Choice Award, Goleta Art Association Group Show
2nd Place Award, SCAPE Landscape Show at La Arcada
3rd Place Award, Semana Nautica, Juried Exhibit
Bachelor of Arts, University of California at Santa Cruz
Abstract Art Collective
Santa Barbara Art Association
Gallery Los Olivos
Pastel Society of the West Coast, Signature Member